
01. In same file

Related code and data are grouped into a module and stored in the same file.

fn main() {

mod greetings {
  // ⭐️ By default, everything inside a module is private
  pub fn hello() { // ⭐️ So function has to be public to access from outside
    println!("Hello, world!");

Modules can also be nested.

fn main() { 

mod phrases { 
  pub mod greetings { 
    pub fn hello() { 
      println!("Hello, world!");

Private functions can be called from the same module or from a child module.

// 01. Calling private functions of the same module
fn main() {

mod phrases {
  pub fn greet() {
    hello(); //or self::hello();

  fn hello() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

// 02. Calling private functions of the parent module
fn main() {

mod phrases {
  fn private_fn() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

  pub mod greetings {
    pub fn hello() {

💡 self keyword is used to refer same module, while super keyword is used to refer parent module. Also super keyword can be used to access root functions from inside a module.

fn main() {

fn hello() {
  println!("Hello, world!");

mod greetings {
  pub fn hello() {

🔎 When writing tests it’s a good practice to write tests inside a test module because of they compile only when running tests.

fn greet() -> String {
    "Hello, world!".to_string()

#[cfg(test)] // only compiles when running tests
mod tests {
    use super::greet; // import root greet function

    fn test_greet() {
        assert_eq!("Hello, world!", greet());

02. In different file, same directory

// ↳
mod greetings; // import greetings module

fn main() {

// ↳
// ⭐️ no need to wrap the code with a mod declaration. File itself acts as a module.
pub fn hello() { // function has to be public to access from outside
  println!("Hello, world!");

If we wrap file content with a mod declaration, it will act as a nested module.

// ↳
mod phrases;

fn main() {

// ↳
pub mod greetings { // ⭐️ module has to be public to access from outside
  pub fn hello() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

03. In different file, different directory in the directory module root is the entry point to the directory module. All other files in that directory root, act as sub-modules of the directory module.

// ↳
mod greetings;

fn main() {

// ↳ greetings/
pub fn hello() { // ⭐️ function has to be public to access from outside
  println!("Hello, world!");

Again, If we wrap file content with a mod declaration, it will act as a nested module.

// ↳
mod phrases;

fn main() {

// ↳ phrases/
pub mod greetings { // ⭐️ module has to be public to access from outside
  pub fn hello() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Other files in the directory module act as sub-modules for

// ↳
mod phrases;

fn main() {

// ↳ phrases/
mod greetings;

pub fn hello() {

// ↳ phrases/
pub fn hello() {
  println!("Hello, world!");

⭐️ If you need to access an element of phrases/ from outside the module, you have to import greetings module as a public module.

// ↳
mod phrases;

fn main() {

// ↳ phrases/
pub mod greetings;  // ⭐️ `pub mod` instead `mod`

// ↳ phrases/
pub fn hello() {
  println!("Hello, world!");

🔎 It’s unable to import child file modules of directory modules to, so you can’t use mod phrases::greetings; from But there is a way to import phrases::greetings::hello() to phrases module by re-exporting hello to phrases module. So you can call it directly as phrases::hello().

// ↳ phrases/
pub fn hello() {
  println!("Hello, world!");

// ↳ phrases/
pub mod greetings;

pub use self::greetings::hello; //re-export greetings::hello to phrases

// ↳
mod phrases;

fn main() {
    phrases::hello(); //you can call hello() directly from phrases

This allows you to present an external interface that may not directly map to your internal code organization. If still it is not clear, don’t worry; We discuss the usages of use on an upcoming section in this post.

Last updated